Top 5 Frameworks to Prioritize Your Product Features

In today's newsletter, I want to prioritize your time as well. So I will keep today's content short and simple. 🙂

As a Project Manager, you have been there. Client is asking to prioritize everything and messing up your beautifully drafted project plan and timelines. 😂

What to do? Choose any of the prioritization framework given here. It will save your day and project both for sure.


1. MoSCoW Method

  • Must-Have: Essential features that are critical for the product to work.
  • Should-Have: Important features but not vital; can be omitted temporarily.
  • Could-Have: Nice-to-have features but not essential.
  • Won't-Have: Features that are not a priority for now.

Pros: Simple and easy to understand.

Cons: Can be subjective; requires clear definitions.


2. RICE Scoring Model

Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort

  • Reach: How many customers will benefit?
  • Impact: How much will this feature improve the product?
  • Confidence: How confident are you in your estimates?
  • Effort: How much time and resources are needed?

Pros: Quantitative approach; balances benefits and efforts.

Cons: Can be complex to calculate accurately.


3. Kano Model

Basic, Performance, Excitement

  • Basic: Essential features that users expect.
  • Performance: Features that increase user satisfaction.
  • Excitement: Unexpected features that delight users.

Pros: Focuses on customer satisfaction.

Cons: Requires extensive user research.


4. Value vs. Effort Matrix

  • High Value, Low Effort: Prioritize these features first.
  • High Value, High Effort: Plan and schedule carefully.
  • Low Value, Low Effort: Consider if there's time.
  • Low Value, High Effort: Usually not worth pursuing.

Pros: Visual and intuitive.

Cons: Oversimplifies complex decisions.


5. Weighted Scoring

Customizable Criteria

  • Define criteria (e.g., revenue potential, customer satisfaction).
  • Assign weights to each criterion based on importance.
  • Score each feature and calculate weighted scores.

Pros: Customizable to specific needs.

Cons: Can be time-consuming to set up.


Have you been using any of the above framework?