Take a break! Will you?

Take a break! Will you?

Why should you take a break from work?

It's a no-brainer - isn't it? Who does not like to take a break? Who does not like going on a long vacation?

I do for sure. 

We are living in a time where work from home, being digital content creator, chasing multiple careers, having personal goals and fulfilling it like today is the last day of our life - these all has become normal. 

Yes, I agree many of the above you will not consider work as you might be enjoying it - but hey, I am talking about a real break. 

"Dolce far niente" - An Italian word for - "Sweetness of doing nothing" 

When I say real break - I literally mean - do nothing.

Don't binge-watch Netflix, 
Don't go on a travel trip where you will be exhausted more rather than relaxing more. 
Don't just gossip with friends for hours.

Take a break for yourself! 

Do something which you used to do when there was no vicious invention of the smartphone, Netflix, Social media platforms, and other online distractions were not part of our world. 

It can be anything - 

Being with nature - roaming around mountains, spending time on the beach
Reading your favourite novel
Writing something that you might be thinking from long to jot down
Sleeping - in case you liked that a lot. 
Go back to your long-back forgotten hobby - such as painting, cooking, or doing something creative or it can be as simple as going for a walk in the evening. 

I would call this - "Dolce far niente"

After reading this newsletter - when will you plan your first day of "Dolce far niente" - when will you take a break? 

Maybe start from now? 

The break does not need to be 1 day. It can be 1 hour or 1 week - after all, it's a break. 

I wouldn't say spend your time wisely. Rather I would say - Be with you, Live in the moment, and Give yourself a break. 

Live a little!
